Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why God doesn't exist

I am a person who wants to believe that there is someone watching over us. But I am finding it increasingly hard to accept that someone is watching over the world.

I believe that there is no God, but only luck. You might say that luck is associated with God, but if you look closely you will find luck has nothing to do with God. If Bad people have good luck and good people bad luck you will find it difficult to equate luck with God. And that has happened, is happening and will happen.

When good people suffer people will try to explain this by saying that God is testing them and they will find their rewards in Heaven, but when murderers and rapists enjoy their life without any trouble, we end up saying that God will put them in Hell. So are we saying that all people who are unhappy are being tested by God, and the others are being left alone for no reason whatsoever? I don’t understand it. I can give a very common example to prove my point. Every time a major disaster or accident happens, where there are a lot of causalities as well as survivors, people say the survivors escaped because of the grace of God. No will speak of the dead. So if the survivors were helped by God then the people who died must have been punished by God. Right? Wrong. The people who died were plain unlucky and the people who survived were not blessed by God but they were just lucky.

A question that always troubled me was why did all the Prophets and Angels of God appear in the Middle East only? I have asked the question to many people. None of them gave me a satisfactory reply. Some said it was because of the fact that Middle East was blessed by God. I find it difficult to believe that God creates Earth puts people in different parts of it and blesses just a small portion of it. What about all the people in other parts of the world. Are they forsaken by God? Another few told me that countries in the Middle East were the best civilization of that time. But there were the Chinese and Indus valley civilizations close to it, which were very highly developed. And there were native civilizations in the Americas.

The problem that affects me the most are those faced by children. You just can’t say that a child is suffering because God is testing his or his parent’s faith Imagine a scenario about 2 five year old children living in two different parts of the world. One living in a developed country in a well to do family, while the other living in a war torn poverty stricken country. Imagine their untimely deaths. The first child may have sudden or painless death, while the second one is sure to have a painful death either by starvation or by bullet injuries or by horrible diseases or even the combination of all of the above. Now my point is every one will agree with the fact that both children will go to heaven, if there is one, but what about the suffering the second child had to undergo throughout his short life here. No one can give an answer to that. The sad fact is that this is not an imaginary situation, it is happening through out the world.

What makes people believe in God? I think it is fear, lack of meaning of life and loneliness that make people believe in God. It is very hard for most people even to imagine that there is no one protecting them. People need protection as they grow old. People are trying to get away from loneliness in their life. For this there is no better alternative than God. They fear about their future and their deaths. Most people are constantly trying to find meaning to their life. They are terrified even to think that they might have lived a life that is meaningless. So in order for life to have a meaning they must believe in God.

My notion is that every person must look at the world around them. If instead of looking for protection to self they look at the sufferings of the countless people they will see the truth.

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