Friday, February 2, 2007

Nationality of dead people

I have often wondered why people make a lot of fuss about a dead person’s nationality. The person’s death will make no significant difference in other people’s life except his family and friends. There have been disturbing trends of equating Human deaths from different countries. The disturbing part is that they don’t equate it to one but multiples of 3, 4 or higher. For example I recently read an article which equated 1 Israeli death to 50 Palestinian deaths. I was shocked. How can you equate 1 to 50? If they are considering the no. of people affected then it should be the other way around. But that is not the problem. The problem is why does anyone have to compare dead people? A dead person is a dead person. In my opinion he is better of than us.

We are supposed to pray for our countrymen when they go to war. We are encouraged to cheer the deaths of enemy soldiers. The “enemy” soldiers are just doing the job they are assigned to do. “They are here to kill so we must kill them”. This is the motto for both sides. If one person dies there is going to be grief on one side. How can we cheer the death of another human being? Are we supposed to grieve for our countrymen alone? It is sad that an Israeli is not supposed to grieve for a Palestinian or the other way around. Do they think that dead people are living in another America or Israel or Palestine or India? If that is the case too bad for them, since they have to go through all the suffering again.

If we don’t see the suffering we are happy because we will make ourselves believe that everything is fine. When we are faced with terrible sufferings, we begin to look out. It amazes me to read about articles and stories about people in war. How can human beings do some of the cruel things he does in the name of nationality? Even when people in war die we just don’t let them have peace. We have to celebrate our hero. Our hero is somebody else’s Monster. We are assigning them there future countries in their grave. Nationality is the cause for most problems we face today. So let us not make nationality an issue for death. We should have at least hope for a better life after death.

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